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Did You Know???

Did you know that the sacred name of the Most High was removed from scriptures nearly 7,000 times?

The sacred name of 'YaHuWaH' was removed by translators and replaced with 'God' or 'Lord'.

Did you know the Father's Name in English is not God or Lord?

The Father's Name is 'YHWH' Pronounced 'Yah-HOO-ah' when vowels are added.

Did you know that the letter 'J' is less than 500 years old?

The letter 'J' was the last letter to be added to the English alphabet less than 500 years ago. It was not in existence 2,000 years ago when the Messiah and the Apostles walked the earth.

Did you know the Son's Name was NOT called the hellenized version Jesus?

The messenger Gabriel told the Messiah's Hebrew parents to name Him 'Yahushua' meaning 'YaHuWaH salvation/saves'.

Did you know that Christianity was NOT the original faith of the true Apostles?

The original faith of the 12 Apostles was known as 'The Way' & the 'Nazarene Sect'.

Did you know the word 'Church' derives from the name of a Pagan godess?

The word 'Church' originates from the Pagan godess called 'Circe' pronounced 'Churche' - the daughter of the sun deity 'Apollo'.  It is where we get the word 'Circus' from. 

Did you know that the word 'Christ' originates from the word 'Christos?'

The word 'Christ' actually originates from the Pagan Greek deity known as 'Christos' ('Krestos'). The word was also used for the deities - 'Krishna' and 'Mithra'. In fact many Pagan deities were coined with the term 'Christos' and there were people called 'Christians' who were worshipping 'Mithra' - the sun god - prior to when Yahushua the Messiah walked the earth.

Did you know the word 'Holy' originates from the Hindu spring Festival?

The word 'Holy' derives from the 'Hindu spring festival' in honour of 'Krishna' - the spring sun god. Later the Greeks borrowed 'Holi' and changed it a bit into 'Heli'the suns rays. 'Holy' is also symbolized with the 'Sun discs' and 'Rings of sunlight' around peoples heads i.e. 'Halos'.

Did you know the word 'Easter' originates from the godess Ishtar?

The word 'Easter' comes from the word 'Ishtar' - the bare breasted Pagan goddess of sexuality and fertility worshipped in ancient Mesopotamian religions.

Did you know that the Sabbath (see fourth commandment in Exodus 20) is really on a Saturday?

The 7th day Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday by Emperor Constantine in 321 C.E. to worship his 'day of the sun'.

Did you know the title 'Lord' defines the Pagan deity Ba'al?

The word 'Lord' is another name for the sun god 'Ba'al.' (Remember Elijah and the prophets of Ba'al?)

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