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Hebrew Name Meanings

Let's have a look at some more names in scripture and go back to their Hebrew pronunciation and meanings. See how many have the name YaH, YaHuWaH or El in them. There are quite a few!

Names in Scripture

Samuel - Hebrew name is Shemu'el ~ Heard by El

Jeremiah - Hebrew name is YirmeYAHU ~ Exaltation of YaHuWaH

Daniel - Hebrew name is Dani'EL ~ El is my judge

Joel - Hebrew name is Yo'EL ~ YaHuWaH is El

Obadiah - Hebrew name is ObadYAHU ~ Servant of YaHuWaH

Micah - Hebrew name is MikaYAHU ~ Who is like YaHuWaH

Habakkuk - Hebrew name is ChabaqqUq ~ Embrace YaHuWaH

Haggai - Hebrew name is ChaggiYAH ~ The Feast is YaHuWaH

Ezra - Hebrew name is EzrAH ~ My Help is YaHuWaH

Matthew - Hebrew name is MatithYAHU ~  Gift of YaHuWaH

Luke - Hebrew name is LukAH ~ My Light is YaHuWaH

Peter - Hebrew Name is KephAH ~ My Rock is YaHuWaH

Judah - Hebrew name YAHUdah ~ YaHuWaH be praised

Zerah - Hebrew name ZerAH ~ The Rising of Light is YaHuWaH

David - Hebrew Name Da'ud ~ Well beloved of YaHuWaH

Uriah - Hebrew name UriYAHU ~ My light is YaHuWaH

Jehoshaphat - Hebrew name YAHoshaphat YaHuWaH is the Judge

Uzziah - Hebrew name UzziYAHU ~ Strength of YaHuWaH

Josiah - Hebrew name YoshiYAHU Founded of YaHuWaH

Joseph - Hebrew name Yoseph ~ YaHuWaH has added

Job - Hebrew name YAHshub ~ YaHuWaH Will Return

Jeroham -  Hebrew name YAHrocham ~  YaHuWaH is compassionate

Jonathan - Hebrew name YAHonathan ~ YaHuWaH has given

Benjamin - Hebrew name BinYAHmin ~ Son of (YaHuWaH) the right hand

Zedekiah - Hebrew name TsidqiYAHU  ~ Righteousness of YaHuWaH

Hizkiah - Hebrew name  YechizqiYAHU ~ Strengthened of YaHuWaH

Zebadiah - Hebrew name ZebadYAHU ~  Endowment of YaHuWaH

Obadiah - Hebrew name  ObadYAHU ~ Servant of YaHuWaH

Elijah - Hebrew name ELiYAHU ~ My El is YaHuWaH

John - Hebrew name Yochanan ~ YaHuWaH has favoured

Samuel - Hebrew name Shem'uEL ~  Heard by YaHuWaH

Joshua - Hebrew name YAHoshua  ~ YaHuWaH is Salvation

Zechariah - Hebrew name ZekarYAH ~  Remembered of YaHuWaH

As we can clearly see the names of these many people give us incredible insight as to who our Creator and Saviour is. This was the last chapter of the site. We hope you were blessed by your visit. Please feel free to view our other sections for videos, links and other information and feel free to contact us via the contact page for any queries. We strongly believe in the power of prayer, deliverance and helping the needy and are always available to give our spare time to try and help anyone who may need it. We aim to respond within 24 hours...

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